Case Study: New Futures - Revitalizing Advocacy: How Morweb CMS Transformed New Futures' Digital Strategy

New Futures, a prominent policy advocacy organization in New Hampshire, faced significant challenges in maximizing their digital advocacy. Their efforts to communicate complex policy issues and engage a wide audience were hindered by an outdated digital platform. Additionally, they struggled with efficiently mobilizing and coordinating stakeholders, including policymakers, crucial for driving policy change. In response, New Futures turned to Morweb CMS as their solution provider for a comprehensive digital overhaul.

Nonprofit Organizations Icon Nonprofit Organizations


  • Content Strategy
  • User Flow Mapping
  • Site Architecture
  • Website Design & Development


  • Event & Calendar Module
  • File Resources Library
  • Fundraising Module
  • Blogging

A Digital Leap for CAH: Morweb's Solution for a Vibrant, Impactful Website

Morweb CMS spearheaded the transformation with a strategic website redesign, focusing on user-friendly navigation and accessibility. This was complemented by a revamped content strategy using Morweb's tools to simplify policy language, making it more approachable for the public. Interactive resources such as infographics and educational videos were integrated to enhance user engagement. Morweb's capabilities were further leveraged to introduce effective stakeholder engagement tools, including online petitions and targeted email campaigns. The addition of advanced analytics and data visualization tools by Morweb played a crucial role in presenting evidence-based solutions and tracking engagement metrics.

The collaboration with Morweb CMS resulted in a remarkable shift in New Futures' digital advocacy. The new, intuitive website significantly expanded its reach, engaging a broader and more diverse audience in its policy initiatives. Complex policy issues were communicated more effectively, thanks to the accessible content and interactive tools. Moreover, the integrated engagement tools streamlined stakeholder mobilization, leading to more impactful advocacy campaigns. The use of data analytics and visualization tools provided valuable insights, enhancing the effectiveness of their campaigns and solidifying New Futures' role as a key player in shaping health policies in New Hampshire.

A screetshot of MSA's old site
A screetshot of MSA's new site

Custom Website Design for Desktop & Mobile Devices

User-Friendly Custom Templates

Stat Numbers Animation

Highlighting Policy Priority Areas

Featured Training Opportunities

Impact Stories Unveiled

Web UI/UX Style Guide

Elevate Online Presence with Streamlined Modules for Events, News, and Team Members.

Event Module


Team Spotlight

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