How to Select a Date Range Filter on Data Exports

Nabil Bushnaq

There are 2 ways to use the date range filter when exporting data in Morweb.

Method 1:

  1. Log into the backend of your Morweb website
  2. Go to InTouch > Contacts (or events/eshop)
  3. Click the white 'Download' arrow for the title you would like to export data for test.png
  4. A 'Select Date Range' pop-up box will appear. Select the type of period you would like to filter by and select specific dates if you are choosing a custom range. Click 'OK' date-range-filter-image.png
  5. The exported report should now be in your downloads folder

Method 2:

  1. Log into the backend of your Morweb website
  2. Go to InTouch > Contacts (or events/eshop)
  3. Click on the title item name in greentest.png
  4. A pop-up box will appear with a list of data information. In the top right-hand corner beside the 'Select File' field box, select the downward-pointing green arrow buttoncontact-list-image.png
  5. A 'Select Date Range' pop-up box will appear. Select the type of period you would like to filter by and select the specific dates if you are choosing a custom range. Click 'OK' custom-date-selection-image.png
  6. The exported report should now be in your downloads folder