How to Add Accordions

Murad Bushnaq

1. Add a content area to your page by dragging the Subtemplate block from the Blocks Palette. Select what type of content area you would like e.g) Content Colored, Content White, Two Column etc.

Note: If you already have a content area, you can skip this step.

Morweb subtemplate

2. Drag a second sub-template block to your content area to add an accordion.

Morweb accordion subtemplate

3. Now, you will need to add content to the accordionTitle and accordionContent areas.

Editing Morweb accordion subtemplate

4. Drag a text block to the accordionTitle area. Then type your title and format it using the text editor.

Morweb accordion subtemplate title

5. Drag a text block to the accordionContent area. Add your text and format it using the text editor.

Morweb accordion subtemplate content

6. Click Apply.

Morweb accordion subtemplate finished