How to Add Links

Nabil Bushnaq

How to Add an In-Text Link

  1. Select the 'Settings' icon to edit the content. A pop-up editor will appear.

    Morweb live editor on a page
  2. Highlight the text you would like to link, then select the link icon.

    Morweb text editor: adding a hyperlink

  3. Add the URL you would like to link to into the 'URL field' or select an internal page from the “Link List” drop-down menu.

    Morweb adding a URL

  4. Note: If you would like to have the link open in a new window (recommended for external links), change the “Target” field to New Window by selecting it in the drop-down menu. The default field is “None” which will open the link in the same tab.

  5. Click Apply

How to Add an In-Text Image Link

  1. Select the 'Settings' icon to edit the content. A pop-up editor will appear.

    Morweb content editor
  2. Highlight the image you would like to link, then select the link icon.

    Adding a link to an image

  3. Add the URL you would like to link to into the 'URL field' or select an internal page from the “Link List” drop-down menu.

    URL link list

    If you would like to have the link open in a new window (recommended for external links), change the “Target” field to New Window by selecting it in the
    drop-down menu. The default field is “None” which will open the link in the same tab.

  4. Click Apply

How to Add an Image Banner Link

  1. Select the folder icon in the top right corner of the banner.

    Morweb image banner editor
  2. Select the banner image you would like to link from the gallery.

    Image banner description tab

  3. Select ‘Description’ to see more image options.
  4. Enter the URL you would like the banner to link to under the URL field. If it is an internal link, you can simply add "/" and the name of the page such as /donate. For an external link, paste the entire URL.
  5. Click Apply